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Have you ever desired to have a conversation with someone who  understands where you are and who has the experience and the insight to help you address the challenges and opportunities facing you  today and tomorrow? 

Would you like to be supported in the next steps of your life, goals,  spiritual awakening? And much more. 

As a Coach, I believe one of the fastest ways to succeed in any area of  life is to have focused preparation, a coach, mentor, or role model that  can help you achieve the inner goals of your destiny much faster. Be a part of a new generation of ministers. 

Dive deeper and explore these topics and experience innovative  ministry.  


You will get access to the following…

  • Apostolic, Prophetic covering and training for all of the following: 

    • Five-Fold Ministries (Ascension gifts of apostle, prophet,  evangelist, pastor and teacher)

    • Para Ministries

      *A para-ministry operates outside of the confines of a traditional  church-even though you may have a connection to the church you look for ways to use your giftings and callings of God, to be  an influencer in the media, marketplace, businesses, education,  medical, missions and communities, etc... 

  • Pastoral Prayer & Counseling

*By appointment only

  • Apostolic training in the Prophetic Gifts of The Spirit and the Fruit  of the Holy Spirit for living supernaturally naturally everyday

  • Ministry Licensing & Ordination-after completing the recommended courses...

  • Leadership Building for YOUR organization (Helping your organize  and develop your team and how to keep your volunteer staff  motivated.)

  • Personal Development Planning Assist you in creating a personal  development strategy. Your custom-designed personal  development strategy will help facilitate your capabilities and  potential, and enhance the quality of your life as you experience  the realization of your dreams and calling.  

  • Access to Ministry Resources

  • and MORE! 

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