Here are some testimonials about the lives
Apostle Dr. Alma Holt impacted
I've known Dr. Holt for several years now and she has been a big part of my life. She stood with me when I had difficulty selling my home. It was on the market for a couple of months and she prophesied that he would sell in one month. It sold just as she said it would. She prayed for my father's healing when he was seriously ill and hospitalized. He's at home today breathing on his own. Dr. Holt is a woman of faith, and believe in the supernatural power of God. I'm not telling you what I heard I'm telling you what I know. She has stood with me through some difficult times and every word that she has spoken thus far as come to past.
- Ternisa Vaughn
Dr Alma Holt is a known, consecrated, and appointed Apostle of God. During times of division in Dr Alma's life, God showed me in a dream that He had judged between the division and told me to follow Dr Alma Holt.
Obeying, following, and supporting Apostle Dr Alma Holt has brought so many blessings in my life. I have gained supernatural strength and have things in my life that I never knew I would have.
Apostle Dr Alma has supernaturally helped me during difficult times in my life bringing victory through Christ Jesus. Apostle Dr Alma Holt is good ground and a Godsend.
- Minister Sandra Wilson
I have been following Dr. Alma Holt's ministry for many years. Her awesome and anointed teachings have made a tremendous difference in my life. She breaks down the revelations of the Bible so that they are easily understood
- Sylvia Smith
Apostle Alma Holt is a Gift to us All. Her Touching my Life and that of our Church has been Life changing. Her Devotion to God and her willingness to share the Love of jesus supplying a Manifestation of the Supernatural Power of God to the Kingdom has Blessed and Promoted us Individually and as a Collective. A Logos Woman Working in the Prophetic Establishing and Edifying the church with a Loving heart and Tender Hands. Thank you !!Pastor Rickey and Rita Montgomery United Christian Fellowship Church
- Apostle Rita Montgomery
Thank you for allowing God to use you in a great and mighty way! You have influenced my life in ways that has helped me to shift successfully encouraging me to focus on what lies ahead. Thank you for believing in me, praying and encouraging me to keep moving forward toward the higher call despite the challenges. Never stop allowing God to use you. Always remember that Your labor is not in vain.
- Sherry P